Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Analytical Expotision Text

Internet is the merger of computer networks in the whole world that forming information network system. Former internet was used by American defender Department which is known as ARPAnet.  But internet is really fast in developing.  Even internet has been used by public or anyone else, although the elementary students can access internet through the media.
            Internet save information entirely of the world, without internet people can not connect or searching information, internet also has become the part of human life.
            The positive impact of internet that is, firstly, internet as media of communication. By using internet we can communicate to the whole world. Secondly, internet as media of exchange the data, because using internet we can share information really fast and easy. Thirdly, internet as media to looking for the information and the data. The forward of internet that really fast we also can get the information accurately and easier. 
                Moreover, in this era there is advantage of internet which is the schoolchildren can easier searching the duty or information that they search. Previously, anything information that we need we have to go to the library to search. That was the difficulty if there is not internet. Internet also can be a working media for the businessman.
            On the contrary, there is negative impact of internet in using. First is internet used for the bad things like pornography, deception or etc. Pornography gives bad influence to the people in the world especially children under age. So, we have to really careful with already information because not all information is honest. Second is internet reducing the social life interaction among human. We can seldom meet the other people because using internet we can communicate with that people through social network such as facebook, blog, skype, twitter, friendster, yahoo, and etc. Thus it can break nature of social between them.
            Furthermore, internet can make children addicted and then their achievement turn down. With games online on internet those children will play the games everyday that caused the children’s achievement go down, which is the children are diligent in learning before. However, after knowing there are many games or applications on internet that already provided they can access  easier and fast every time and every where so children become lazy to study and a little careless about surrounding.
            Internet has positive and negative impact in using depend on the people point of view, are they use for good or bad things.  In fact, Using of internet have two sides like angel and daemon. If we use for good purpose it will deliver us to kindness, but if the opposite it will deliver us to badness.
            In conclusion, in modern era we have to know how to access the internet in order we are under develop era.

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011


I . Listening

While listening. complete the dialogue!

Father : Rian, don't FORGET (1)to water the PLANTS (2). they will be dead if you do not WATER(3)them TWICE(4)a day.
Rian : Okay, Dad. I won't forget.

The next day Rian forgets to water the plants. Then two days later .....

Father : Rian, the plants are DEAD (5)I've told you to water them. Did you water them yesterday ?
Rian    : Ummm.....yes, I did.
Father : But, why the plants dead now? Don't LIE(6)to me.
Rian    : I don't lie. Dad
Father : Lying is a bad habit, isn't it? Now TELL(7)me. Did you water the plant yesterday ?
Rian    : Actually,...... I forget, Dad.
Father : So you didn't water the plants ?
Rian    : No. I didn't. I'm SORRY(8) I.................PROMISE(9)won't forget next time.
Father : PROMISE(10) me you won't lie next time.
Rian    : I promise.

II. Reading

The united kingdom is a constitutional monarchy of four constituent countries, England, Wales. Scotland, and Northem Ireland. The first three are situated in Great Britain, which is an island that lies off the North West Coast of Europe. The island is surrounded by the Antlantic Ocean to the west, and the North Sea to the Wes Meanwhile, Northerm Irland is located is Ireland, which is an island the lies off the West Coast of Great Britain. The island consists of Northem ireland and the Irish Republic.

Answer the questions based on the text above!

1. The purpose of the text is ( TO DESCRPTIVE ABOUT THE UNITED KINGDOM)
2. Which country is not situated in great Britain ? (ENGLAND, WALES AND SCOTLAND)
3. Where is the island of Ireland situated? It lies off the west coast of (GREAT BRITAIN)
4. ''...The first three are situated in Great Britain, Which is an island that lies off the North West coast of Europe......."
What does the underlined word refer to ? (COUNTRY)
5. What do you call the text above ? (REPORT TEXT)

III. Writing

Match the situation in column A with the advices in the colimn B!

1. I want to send some letters for my uncle. (D)   A. I think you should go to the bank.
2. I have a bad fever.                                  (C)   B. You ought to take a taxi.
3. It is too far to walk.                                (B)   C. You should see a doctor
4. It is going to be a cold day.                     (E)   D. I think you'd better go to the post office.
5. I have to withdraw my saving.                 (A)   E. You'd better wear an overcoat or a sweater.

Selasa, 29 November 2011

Cara Membuat Postingan Blog

Langkah2 Membuat Posting Pada Blogspot.

1. Silahkan log in pada www.blogger.com, menggunakan username dan pasword anda, Atau anda dapat klik disini untuk log in ke account Blogger anda

2. Pada Panel Control blogger.com, silahkan klik Posting baru.
Lihat gambar ini.

Pada Tab Posting ini anda dihadapkan beberapa kolom yang bertuliskan:
Judul : "untuk menuliskan Judul artikel Anda"
Link : "Untuk menautkan (membuat Link ke Artikel anda" Secara default, Blogger akan membuat link ini. hanya saja akan lebih efektif jika anda memberikan tautan(link) terhadap judul Artikel anda. Contoh: Saya membuat judul "Mengukur Size Situs Anda" maka saya akan menuliskan Link: http://sawasanganam.com/2008/07/Mengukur-Size-Situs-Anda.html
Perhatikan: Yang berhuruf tebal, gantilah dengan nama Domain anda.
yang berhuruf miring, adalah tahun dan bulan anda melakukan posting.
Sedangkan yang terakir adalah penunjuk halaman artikel anda (harus diakiri dengan dot HTML)
gambar cara posting di blogspot

3. Pada Kolom yang agak besar inilah tempat anda meletakkan artikel anda. Saran saya; gunakan mode compose untuk mempermudah penulisan. Karena pada mode kompose ini, apa yang nampak itulah bentuk asli postingan anda nantinya. Tetapi bagi anda yang sudah mahir, lebih mudah menggunakan edit HTML.

4. Jika anda sudah selesai membuat artikel, anda bisa klik pratinjau untuk melihat bentuk postingan anda, dan sekaligus menge-cek penulisa huruf (spelling).

5. Pada pilihan Posting, isikan sesuai dengan keinginan anda. Jika pada form komentar pembaca anda set "ijinkan" maka secara default, tulisan anda dapat dikomentari (direspon / diberi tanggapan) oleh pembaca anda. Jika pada Form Link Balik anda Set "ijinkan" maka bagi komentator akan mendapatkan link balik dari tulisan anda ini. Pada Form tanggal dan waktu, biarkan saja, nggak usah dirubah. Karena biasanya tanggal dan waktu ini di-set realtime oleh blogger. Tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan anda merubah tanggal dan waktu ini sesuai kehendak anda.

gambar posting pada blogspot

6. Pada Form labels, isikan label atau kriteria, atau kategori dari artikel anda. Misalnya anda menulis tentang "tata cara pemotretan pada acara pernikahan" maka anda dapat menuliskan labels untuk artikel ini, dengan label :"Teknik photo". Fungsi dari labels ini adalah; mgelompokkan artikel yang mempunyai tema / pokok bahasan serupa (misalnya tentang editing foto menggunakan adope photoshop)

7. Klik mempublikasikan posting jika anda yakin artikel anda sudah selesai diedit.

Jika Gambar dirasa Kurang jelas, mohon klik pada gambar tersebut untuk melihatnya dalam ukuran asli.

Bagi Anda yang bermaksud mempublikasikan Ulang Tulisan ini, mohon cantumkan Outority penulis Sawasanganam.com. Bagi anda yang ingin berbagi Pengalaman, sesederhana apapun, di seputar blogging, optimasi blog ataupun tentang pemancar fm. Saya tunggu komentar Anda. 

Sumber : http://www.sawasanganam.com/2008/07/cara-membuat-posting-pada-blogspot.html

Selasa, 01 November 2011

The fairie's cake

Once upon a time a young lady lucy her he best in the whole word. One day she was stolen away by the fairies.
The fairies usked the lucy to make cake for them but luc said to the fairies "how can she make a cake with out anything ingredients.

Lucy, her husband, her baby and her pets went to their home because the fairies order them to go away from their places but lucy could go home if the fairies promise to bring her oven at leas in tommorow morning.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011


Once upon a time there lived a women with two childreen, he only lived three because her husband was dead. Buth childreen were named brother LA nturungkoloe and little brother is LA mbata-mbata. They a live poor and very feel sorry, to eat daily very difficuly, but a mother noting saw two childreen suffering and dead.
The mother try effort dead for be happy two boy, because zone us a boy in the call special in the call prefix LA, example LA andi, and like that a women. WA example WA eni.
Next,........ once upon a time second childreen cry for eating fish, and pule for the mother, for search fish in the sea and going that make go and don't came back again.
The mother as it is said to become a mermaid, with name WA NDIU-NDIU every day two childreen go to sea for the mother for come back for them, but fate to speak other the mother go and dont came back again.